Tuesday, September 22, 2009


He introduces himself as a ‘captain organic’ in the video because his work and principles based on organic shape. He get his inspiration from nature and apply them to everyday product. His water bottle design was a good example. I liked how he create ‘skin of water’ and capture the movement and texture of  something that is so clear and continually changing. Every bottle are different and they are designed to fit to everyone’s hands from baby to athletic. I think that is how it communicate with the people. It is for everyone, but because of the individual design, it is also very personal. I don’t know about cost for producing them, but if they are released, there will be people collecting the bottles just like they collects watches and bags.


Lovegorve’s products that were inspired by nature is amazing. They are very modern and simply beautiful. However there are already lot of designers who are inspired by organic shapes. I think what makes Lovegrove so special is, he take nature’s properties, not only just form and shape. He was the first person who made a chair out of magnesium.  Some reason that even came to me a shock. I was impressed how he adopt nature from the sctrach and melt into the design.


I found Ross Lovegrove was bit audacious and some of his designs out of trail such as 300 componet stick car. However I adore his work and how he translate the nature to everyday product. 

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